Nzoia Sugar head coach Ibrahim Shikanda is definitely a relieved man after bringing to an end his eight-match win-less run after humbling debutants Bidco United 1-0 on Thursday.Even before the joy of masterminding their return to winning ways fades, the former Nairobi Stima tactician will be elated further as his dependable holding midfielder James Kibande is one week away from recovery. Kibande has been away in the past three weeks nursing a shoulder injury picked in training and was subsequently ruled out for a month.James Kibande Welcome to the Millers, the only club sweetening Kenyan football not only in Western but countrywide.>EM— NZOIASUGARFC (@nzoiasugarfc2) April 10, 2019 The St. Anthony’s Boys High School, Kitale alumnus revealed that he was nearing full recovery and would be available for selection within the next two weeks. “I have been away for the last three weeks due to a shoulder injury but I am progressing well. The pain has subsided and hoping to restart training in a week’s time. I can’t wait to get back to the team and help register more positive results,” he revealed. Nzoia will face Western Stima on Tuesdat afternoon at the ASK Grounds in Nakuru.