CECAFAWCLQ: Vihiga Queens baptised by fire

Medina Awol Busser scored a hattrick as Commercial Bank of Ethiopia downed Vihiga Queens 4-2 in a CECAFA Zone Women’s Champions League qualification match played at the Nyayo National Stadium on Sunday afternoon.CBE went ahead in the 8th minute through Medina Awol Busser before Maurine Achieng equalised for Vihiga Queens in the 11th minute.Busser then got CBE’s second in the 22nd minute but once again Achieng leveled the scoring in the 38th minute. The Ethiopia number nine then completed her hattrick in the 70th minute, ten minutes from time Loza Abera killed Vihiga’s hopes of making a comeback with the fourth goal of the game.The first chance went Queens’ way in the first minute but Jentrix Shikangwa shot over from a Teresa Engesha cross. Engesha was once again at the thick of things in the fourth minute but his shot failed to hit the target.Against the run of play CBE went ahead in the 8th minute of the game through Medina Awol Busser who slotted home after a quick break. Three minutes later Queens got the leveler through Maurine Achieng whose thunderous effort hit the crossbar before finding the back of the net. Busser was proving to be a handful for United down the right flank and in 16th minute her shot went narrowly over the bar. Shikangwa saw her effort at the other end narrowly wide.CBE retook the lead in the 22nd minute through the handful Busser who danced her into the area before beating Vihiga keeper Lilian Awuor.Achieng leveled the scores once again in the 38th minute. CBE keeper Bargena Balcha parried a Shikangwa freekick and it came off the midfielder into the back of the net. The first half half ended even.The start of the second half was evenly fought out with both teams striving to take charge of the encounter. CBE however looked more dangerous going forward.Shikangwa came close to giving Queens the lead for the first time in the game in the 60th minute but the forward rattled the upright from inside the penalty area. She was denied two minutes later by CBE keeper Balcha.They retook the lead through Busser who completed her hattrick in the 70th minute after a defensive mixup. Loza Abera then sealed the win with a fourth in the ten minutes from time.Next for Vihiga is a match against Yei Joint Stars FC of South Sudan on Wednesday.

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