When you hear ‘Rosario, Argentina’ – you automatically think of the hometown of Lionel Messi. But this article is not about one of the best footballers of all time. It is about the tragedy that hit another Rosario-native player.The central defender of Argentinos Juniors, Miguel Torren, is going through a devastating period. And it is as if the footballer is on a loop of heartbreaking news throughout his life.Losing your sibling can leave emotional scars forever and the 33-year-old Miguel has received such news THREE times.##EDITORS_CHOICE##On August 25, 2021, in a neighborhood Rosario, Miguel’s brother Luis was shot by two strangers, under undisclosed circumstances. Luis was rushed to hospital, where he underwent surgery , but the doctors’ efforts were not enough to keep him alive. He was killed at the age of 43. Miguel was informed of Luis’ death after the end of his team’s match against Estudiantes on Monday night.Already a huge tragedy. But the fact this is Miguel’s third brother that got killed is something that makes the situation hardly believable. Unfortunately, it is so.On April 24, 2010, his 32-year-old brother Walter was killed in a gang shootout on a neighborhood soccer field in Rosario. Miguel had to return urgently from Paraguay, where he wore the Cerro Porteño shirt.On May 21, 2020, Miguel’s third brother, Gabriel Torrén, 36, was found beaten to death in Rosario, more precisely on Calle Rolla at 4000, just three blocks from where Luis would be shot on August 25, 2021.El mensaje de Miguel Torrén tras el fallecimiento de su hermano. Es el tercer hermano suyo que es asesinado👉 https://t.co/5LgK8XRSCG pic.twitter.com/SVeMQjJU6R— Diario Olé (@DiarioOle) September 8, 2021 Miguel left a grieving message on his social media.“You just left us, brother. You fought as strong as you could as a warrior that you were. Now it is your turn to rest and surely up there you will meet Mom, Dad and your other two brothers, and they will go back to being together there with God.”, Miguel Torren wrote.”We here on Earth are going to miss you very much. We will always remember you. Rest and guide us from above. I feel immense pain with your loss, but I am going to continue playing ball as you told me. Now you have to send me strength to keep going and not loosen up. I will remember you and miss you until the last day of my life.”#AAAJ La A. A. Argentinos Juniors acompaña a Miguel Torrén y su familia en este difícil y duro momento. Estamos con vos. QEPD. #FuerzaCapitán— Argentinos Juniors (@AAAJoficial) September 7, 2021