For over a century, football has been the game of the world. Everyone is playing it, everyone is enchanted by it. But it’s not perfect. Sometimes it can prove to be harmful to players’ health. Injuries have always been a part of such a physical sport – and they can never be avoided completely. In recent years, studies have shown that heading the ball often increases the risk of brain diseases developing – and that is scary.Saturday, 17.00: (3.25) Portsmouth (3.20) Sunderland (2.30)Former England captain Terry Butcher wants heading to be eliminated from the sport completely to spare footballers from illness. The 62-year-old former Ipswich Town, Rangers and Sunderland defender believes heading should be phased out of the game completely, insisting it is ‘something we can do without’.”I think heading is something that has been strong, particularly in Britain with the way that we used to play, but not so much now. I think it’s something that we can do without. It would rule out the trauma of heading a football, particularly at pace – brain trauma, because your brain is going to rattle against your skull. You’re looking at aerial collisions where you know you have no real control.”Butcher was a fearless warrior for England in 1989 (©Gallo Images)The game is changing constantly and Butcher sees potential for heading to be toned down – at least for the start – just like tackling has been in the past decade or two.”The tackles now are really watered down from what they were in my era because of the risk of a red card. Heading can adapt as well. I think the fans just love seeing good football being played.”Can you imagine what a football match would look like if hitting the ball with your head were outlawed?