Naya cries for financial assistance to avert amputation

Ailing former Sofapaka midfielder Wisdom Naya is once again appealing to well-wishers to come to his rescue as he seeks to raise funds for specialized treatment in India.The youthful midfielder was diagnosed with a cancerous soft tissue, sarcoma early this year and consequently began his chemotherapy sessions at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret after Kenyans from all walks of life heeded to his cry and pooled resources for the costly medical procedure.Disturbing photographs of a shrunken limb that was once a strong and hit the ball mightily have been doing rounds on social media suggesting that the rookie is in dire need of specialized treatment .The player’s mother Dinah Cherop revealed that the sessions didn’t yield the intended fruit and were forced to seek a second opinion in Nairobi hospitals. She painfully narrated how the trips they made to different and high profile hospitals in Nairobi added salt to the injury as amputation was recommended on the affected limp.UPDATE | √ | Wisdom Naya has today began his second chemotherapy session as he gears towards his surgery in two months time. @betikaKe #BatotoBaMungu— Sofapaka FC (@FC_Sofapaka) May 6, 2021 With the player wasting away back at home in Kitale, Cherop who is yet to come to terms with the sour recommendations by doctors from Mediheal and Kenyatta National Hospital pleaded with well-wishers to come help the family raise in excess of two and half million and seek treatment in India.“The doctor had to stop the chemotherapy sessions after the leg worsened and referred us to Nairobi. We gathered resources and visited Mediheal Hospital only for the specialist who examined Naya to recommend amputation. We didn’t welcome his proposal and proceeded to Kenyatta where we got a similar counsel. We also visited other hospitals in the city and still we didn’t get a favorable report. We have however been advised to try India and thus, we humbly request well-wishers to help us raise at least 2.5 million and save his leg,” she narrated.Sofapaka have confirmed that they will help Wisdom Naya who was diagnosed with cancer get treatment. “We are going to help him. We are also in talks with our sponsor @betikaKe who are also willing to help. The boy will get the best medical care”-President Elly Kalekwa.#FKFPL— Ole Teya (@Kevin_teya) April 14, 2021 As the family continues the search for funds to airlift their loved one to India, Naya is silently praying that a solution will be gotten and save him from the excruciating pain. The St. Anthony’s Boys Kitale alumnus revealed that his former employer, Sofapaka have been an oasis of hope in the middle of suffering as the club put him on a stipend and were in constant communication.Cancer survivor Wanjala sends words of hope to Naya“After the sessions failed and the reports we got from various hospitals, I resigned to fate and returned home. I pray that a solution will be found as the pain is extreme. At least Sofapaka have not gone mute on me and have been supporting me,” he said.Naya joined Sofapaka in 2019 after school but was dropped to the club’s youth team after failing to nail a place in the senior one. He says the rain began beating him in November last year when he felt pain while in training. What started as normal muscle thigh crump worsened and would be turn to be cancerous from the scans conducted months later.    

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