Harry Kane is a nice guy indeed – and we’ve got a story that proves it! Spurs captain offered a couple of Americans to be his personal guests next time they come to England – and it’s all because heavy snowfall cancelled the match they wanted to attend.White hazard strikes and robs Burnley out of a football match!Some people associate snow with joy and warm fuzzy feelings inside. But in football, snow is usually just a nuisance: it makes it difficult to play, it becomes harder to get to matches – and sometimes it can scupper scheduled games altogether. That’s what happened to the Premier League game between Burnley and Tottenham Hotspur. Oh well, not a big problem – it will eventually be played. But try telling that to a couple of Spurs fans who flew to England all the way from Dallas in the United States of America.Two Tottenham fans had made the trip to Lancashire on Saturday night, beginning their journey on the other side of the Atlantic. It started off with the long flight from Dallas to London on Friday, before catching the train from the capital up north to Burnley. Only to learn that there would be no match at Turf Moor.Enter Harry Kane!Just been sent this tweet and absolutely gutted for you! For your commitment and to make up for the match being called off I’d like to invite you to a home game as my guest when you’re next in London 👍 https://t.co/wB3c8c40HN— Harry Kane (@HKane) November 28, 2021 England and Spurs leader saw the disappointed fan’s tweet and felt sorry for the long trek made in terrible weather with no desired football match at the end of it. And so, he tweeted his offer to welcome the American Spurs the next time and make sure they enjoy the trip.Thursday, 22.30: (1.65) Tottenham (3.80) Brentford (6.25)There is still no information about when the game will go ahead, but it’s sure to be a memorable day for the die-hard American Spurs.