County football heads propose raft of changes to Caretaker committee

The County football association heads from across the country have requested a meeting with the Football Kenya Federation Caretaker Committee to discuss draft proposal to rebrand th leagues. The football heads have promised a reduction of leagues in the country in a bid to hasten growth and exposure among players at grassroots levels and have a sort of equal playing ground with the top tiers. Aggrieved clubs advised to formally complain to FKF Caretaker CommitteeNairobi County Football Association Chairperson Charles Njoroge named some of the leagues in their drafted plan as he sought an audience with the FKF Caretaker Committee. “We request for an urgent meeting with registered football county associations to be convened so as to agree on the road map for election.We have adopted the following league structures: the Premier League, National Championship League, the Elite Super League, the County Super League and the Sub County League,” said Njoroge.In the women’s game, Njoroge is proposing the following leagues: Women Premier League, National Women Championship, Elite Women Super League, County Women Super League. National Super League clubs revolt against Aaron Ringera’s FKF Caretaker CommitteeThe youth will also not be left behind as the National Youth League, Elite Super League and County Super League are part of the county football association’s proposal. The county football association lauded the FKF Caretaker Committee for disbanding the previous regime and reiterated their commitment to work in tandem with the committee. 

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