Aussems: AFC Leopards cannot compete this season

AFC Leopards head coach Patrick Aussems has bemoaned the mass exodus in the club and the inexperienced squad, admitting that the team is incapable of competing this season. The Belgian tactician appears to backtrack his statement after promising to deliver the elusive league title to AFC Leopards who have endured a 23-year drought. I know you are an AFC Leopards fan … be sure that your incredible performance will be a real asset for me to motivate the players for , finally , bringing back the title’s trophy to Ingwe next season ! Congrats Champion !!— Patrick Aussems (@PatrickAussems) August 8, 2021 Aussems revealed that he expected to have his squad intact coming into this season but the massive exit of players that left them with an inexperienced squad is unable to compete. “We are not expecting to play with this young team, I was expecting to get my key players from last season to compete this season but with this squad, it’s impossible to compete, it’s that simple.They need time, they are lacking experience right now, game after game they will learn and also learn from their mistakes, I’m sure in a few months the team be competitive,” Aussems told Citizen TV.Ingwe have registered dismal results by their lofty standards recently as they have only secured two wins all season and are just two points from relegation places. After having flown over the Alps and Paris , strange feeling to be at home and watch your team on your laptop … Good job guys ! Now it’s time to enjoy some off days with family before coming back to prepare the new season . Next season will be THE season for Ingwe’s fans !— Patrick Aussems (@PatrickAussems) August 18, 2021 The 2018 FKF Cup champions lost a huge chunk of their squad with Benjamin Ochan, Isaac Kipyegon, Robinson Kamura, Harrison Mwendwa, Elvis Rupia, Caleb Olilo, Yusuf Mainge and Austin Odhiambo before the start of the season. The situation led to Ingwe promoting a number of players from the Youth team but signed Joachim Oluoch, Collins Milimo, Levis Opiyo, Eugene Musilwa, Kingsley Fasanmi, Donald Ange, Kayci Odhiambo and Prince Ayieko on deadline day after their transfer ban was lifted. 

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