Ministry of Sports, Culture and Heritage Chief Administrative Secretaries (CAS) Simon Kachapin and Zachariah Kinuthia have resigned from their roles at the ministry to venture into politics.Kachapin, a former Governor, will head back to vie for the West Pokot gubernatorial seat while Kinuthia is having his eyes on the Kigumo parliamentary seat.Speaking during a presser in which they made public their resignation, Sports Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohammed hailed their contribution to the ministry for the past year in which they have worked together, wishing them well in their quest.”I have enjoyed working with the two of them in the one year that we have been in this ministry. He (Kinuthia) was reminding me today that it has been one year and 10 days. I wish them well as they go to serve the people,” Amina said.Today I tendered my resignation as the Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) in the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Heritage to His Excellency the President Hon. Uhuru M. Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya and Commander-In-Chief of the Kenya Defence Forces.— Hon. Simon Kachapin, CBS (@skk_cbs) February 8, 2022 More to follow…