”Nomen est omen”, the old Latin saying goes, wishing to describe how your name perfectly encapsulates your character.However, in the case of experienced Croatian coach and former goalkeeper Vjeran Simunic, 68, it’s all the contrary. Albeit his name means ‘faithful’ in his native language, Simunic has been anything but faithful to his clubs during a 28-year-long career. Believe it or not, his new appointment as the head coach of the Croatian third-tier side OSK Otok on Tuesday is the 41st for him as a gaffer. Or if you prefer maths, that has been around 1,5 clubs a year for Simunic.##EDITORS_CHOICE##This makes him probably a world record holder and one-of-a-kind coaching journeyman.Shortly after being the very first foreign player in Japan in the mid-eighties, Simunic kick-started his coaching career. He spent the majority of it at home, with Croatian top-division strugglers.German coach Rudi Gutendorf signed Steve ‘Pele’ Paterson & Croatian Vjeran Simunic in December 1983 for Yomiuri FC, later known as Verdy Kawasaki & known these days as Tokyo Verdy. They were the 1st European footballers to play in the old JSL 🇯🇵 https://t.co/AJgvVBhPOn pic.twitter.com/loYNSdLpEn— Tokyo Fox 🦊 (東京狐) 🇬🇧🇯🇵 (@tokyofox) August 13, 2020 His most ‘prolific’ year was 2000, during which he sat at the bench of as many as six (6) teams from January to December.On the other hand, his longest tenure lasted two years, between 2011 and 2013, with a Brunei side DPMM.THU: 19.00: (1.97) TOGO (3.35) SIERRA LEONE (4.10)His latest stint at OSK Otok started successfully yesterday, as they won a vital relegation battle against Zagora 1-0 to make their new coach happy.Will it be enough to see Vjeran being faithful to them? Hmm…