Football Kenya Federation Premier League champions Tusker and Nairobi City Stars are interested in signing Nzoia Sugar creative midfielder Joseph Mwangi. The midfielder was among the outstanding performers in the sugar millers camp as he managed to score six goals and created three in the concluded season.Joseph Mwangi scored six goals and managed three assists in the just concluded 2021-2022 FKF PL season. Leopards ⚽️⚽️City Stars ⚽️Tusker⚽️Sharks ⚽️Bandari ⚽️🅰️,Talanta,Rangers and Mathare A big game player who is likely to ditch Nzoia Sugar in the next transfer window.— Meshack Kisenge (@kisengemeshack1) June 12, 2022 Out of the six goals scored, the youngster netted against the two deep pocketed suitors who have intensified their quest to acquire his services before the pre-season activities kick off.According to sources close to the player, the two clubs have been in touch with the player who has two years remaining in his contract with Nzoia, an outfit he joined in 2020 after proving himself in the trials.##NAJAVA_MECA_6490311##The Passenga Boys High School alumnus made his debut in the top flight in January 2020 after impressing in the trials for the second time having failed to make the cut in 2018.Other players the Bungoma based club are struggling to keep are Kenyan international Kevin Juma who is under the radar of three top flight clubs, Boniface Munyendo and Levis Okello. The trio formed strong pillars for the team last season and played a key role in the battle to survive relegation.Six years later, Mwangi is living his FKFPL dream at Nzoia Sugar FCMeanwhile, Nzoia are set to resume training on Wednesday ahead of the inaugural Elijah Lidonde Cup set for next week at Bukhungu Stadium.Other clubs that are set to jostle for the million-shilling cash prize set for the winner of the tournament are Kakamega Homeboyz, AFC Leopards and Vihiga Bullets.