Steven Gerrard is undoubtedly one of the best British midfielders in history. Now, in his career as a coach, the former player is clear that for him rules and order are the most important thing in the dressing room. At Aston Villa, he has imposed strict and almost surreal rules that all his players must abide by.A list of rules has leaked, something that will make Aston Villa players very attentive so as not to have to reach deep down in their pockets. Arriving late to training after Gerrard has blown his whistle, signaling the start of the day’s session, will incur a direct fine of 595 euros – 500 pounds that is.This penalty is quite common within football teams, but in Gerrard’s notebook there are other very eccentric ones. Perhaps the most surprising sanction is that which indicates that if a player forgets to bring a cake on his birthday, he must pay 50 pounds (59 euros) for each day that passes. It is seen that the coach is a fan of forming a group mentality and a high level of team spirit.Aston Villa’s alleged fines list has been leaked.Steven Gerrard is brutal 😳— TheFootballCases (@theftblcases) July 27, 2022 Another of the sanctions which may seem surprising but has a certain logic is that of getting into the shower barefoot. Aston Villa players must wear flip-flops or any other form of footwear; breaking this rule will mean paying 100 pounds (119 euros).There are also some a bit more football-related directives. The Aston Villa manager also wants his players to be respectful on the pitch – if someone sees a yellow card for protesting, the penalty will be 200 pounds. But the thing goes further for the one who sees red, since that player must invite the entire squad to eat within four weeks of the expulsion.Gerrard’s list is endless, and some discipline offenses cost players quite a bit of money. Arriving late to training camp or a meeting will mean paying 200 pounds (237 euros)… per minute!. However, if that delay occurs on a match day, the amount will be 1,000 pounds (1,188 euros) fixed.If a player does not pick up a training utensil or the cutlery and plates from the table after eating he will have to pay £100 for each of the forgotten utensils. It is also the same fine not to take the GPS to training or to park in a prohibited place. Not collecting Snus (a type of chewing tobacco) after themselves will result in a fine of 200 pounds (237 euros).##NAJAVA_MECA_6528600##Gerrard, always dressed to a tee at matches games, cannot conceive of his players being poorly dressed. Each inappropriate garment on match days will incur a penalty of another £100. And being late for a club business event will result in a 250-pound (297-euro) fine.Perhaps the most surreal of all (although the one with the birthday cake could compete with this one) is the one that points to the player that was worst at training the day before. Chosen by vote, the player will have to wear a jersey with the “I was the worst in training” written on it.