Fifteen players from Spain’s women’s senior team have asked not to be selected for the national side, the Spanish FA have announced.For the past month, there has been news in local media that the Spanish women’s team were in chaos, with players on the verge of a mutiny if the Federation did not relieve Jorge Vilda of his duties. According to sources close to the situation, the players are unhappy with the management of injuries, the atmosphere in the locker room, Vilda’s team selection and his training sessions.Although the identity of the players threatening to quit hasn’t been disclosed, the names have now been made public. Among the 15 are neither Alexia Putellas, Barcelona’s Ballon d’Or winner, nor the Real Madrid players.In a statement on Thursday evening, The Royal Spanish Football Federation confirmed they had received emails from the 15 players who wished to not be selected in what it labelled as an “an unprecedented situation in the history of football, both male and female, in Spain and worldwide”.The statement added the players that had submitted the emails would only be allowed to return to the national team in the future if they apologised and “asked for forgiveness”.15 players of Spain’s women’s national team emailed the Spanish FA stating they resign because Jorge Vilda remains coach. The Spanish FA responded that they won’t let players pressure them to make coaching decisions and they won’t call up those players who do not wish to play.— B/R Football (@brfootball) September 22, 2022 “The Royal Spanish Football Federation communicates that, throughout today, it has received 15 emails from 15 players of the women’s senior football team, coincidentally all with the same wording. In the message, they state that the current situation generated “significantly” affects their “emotional state” and their “health” and that, “as long as it is not reversed”, they resign from the Spanish national team.The RFEF will not allow the players to question the continuity of the national coach and his coaching staff , since making those decisions does not fall within their powers. The Federation will not admit any type of pressure from any player when adopting sports measures. These types of manoeuvres are far from exemplary and outside the values of football and sport and are harmful.Under current Spanish legislation, not attending a national team call is classified as a serious infraction and can carry sanctions of between two and five years of disqualification. The RFEF, contrary to the way these players act, wants to make it clear that it will not take them to this extreme or pressure them. Directly, it will not summon the soccer players who do not want to wear the Spain shirt. The Federation will only have committed footballers even if they have to play with youth.##NAJAVA_MECA_6667976##This fact has gone from being a sporting issue to a dignity issue. The selection is non-negotiable. It is an unprecedented situation in the history of football, both male and female, in Spain and worldwide.The present and future of Spain lie in the potential of the lower categories and of players who this summer have been proclaimed U-20 world champions and U-19 European champions, in addition to obtaining the European U-17 youth runner-up.The national team needs players committed to the project, defending our colours and proud to wear the Spain shirt.The players who have submitted their resignation will only return to the discipline of the national team in the future if they accept their mistake and ask for forgiveness.”