Follow FIFA directives, Senate Chief urges CS Namwamba

Kericho Senator Aaron Cheruiyot who is also the majority leader in the senate has advised new sports CS Ababu Namwamba to obey FIFA’s directive and restore the disbanded Football Kenya Federation (FKF) office.FKF was disbanded by former CS Amina Mohammed in November 2021. She then installed a caretaker committee to run football in the country. The move resulted in Kenya getting suspended by FIFA. National teams and clubs were locked out of FIFA and CAF-organized competitions since February.##NAJAVA_MECA_6767665##The stalemate has delayed the commencement of the 2022/23 season after clubs made it clear that they were not going to participate in the leagues not recognized by the world football governing body, FIFA.Namwamba assumed office on Friday and as he had promised before the vetting committee, made a call to FIFA in a bid to resolve the impasse and return Kenya to the global football map.Cheruiyot has now urged Namwamba to adhere to FIFA directives. The world governing body had said it would only lift the suspension upon “receipt of confirmation from the FKF and its management, led by Vice-President Doris Petra and General Secretary Barry Otieno that the FKF and its premises are once more under their full and unconditional control.“The new cabinet secretary Hon. Ababu Namwamba is not new in this sector, he is a good fan of football, he understands how global football administration runs and my advice is only one. In February of this year, FIFA wrote to CS Amina Mohammed and laid down the conditions which Kenya has to meet for us to be admitted back first to the global football competition then if there are things that we need to manage locally, we can handle them. My good friend Ababu should follow what FIFA demanded. I think there are two conditions they set for us,” he said in an interview With the Buzz at the Nyayo National Stadium.Kericho Senator Aaron Cheruiyot, another ally of Dr Ruto, said the CS is misguided by disbanding the FKF, asking her to stick to Section 52-54 of the Sports Act adding that the action is likely to attract legal battle.— mmnjug™ (@mmnjug) November 13, 2021 He went on to chide former CS Amina for not heeding to advice leading to the suspension of Kenya.“It is a terrible situation; I spoke a lot about this and warned the former CS Amina Mohammed in parliament that football is a global sport. We are not an island where we think we can manage it on our own, there are statutes and laws which Kenya has signed up to and if or when there are difficulties as she alleged in the management of football, then she ought to have followed the laid down statues of ensuring that she brings to bring order to the game,” he added.“Unfortunately she did not listen to us and it resulted in a ban where for the last almost one year our sportsmen have been in the dark. I am heartbroken because I really love football I invest a lot in football programs in my county because I know just like education, it is one silver bullet where if get it right you can give a life chance to many young people.”Vihiga Bullets appoint new coach

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