Mamma mia! Milan legend Weah wearing Juve gear in election promo video

Former Milan star George Weah has upset the Rossoneri faithful after he appeared wearing some Juventus gear in a promo video for the upcoming elections in Liberia.The 1995 Ballon d’Or winner spent five years with the San Siro outfit club from 1995 to 2000, scoring 58 goals in 147 games across all competitions, before moving to Chelsea and the English Premier League.Taribo West and George Weah in the Milan derby.— Classic Football Shirts (@classicshirts) January 10, 2023 Following his retirement, Weah entered politics and was elected President of Liberia in 2017, taking on the role a year later. With new elections coming soon, Weah is again on the campaign track. View this post on Instagram A post shared by 🇱🇷 (@georgeweahoff) But what caught the attention of his Italian-based fans is the fact he’s wearing some Juventus training gear in a few clips posted on social media. This won’t hurt his image among the voters in Liberia, for sure, but more than a few Rossoneri supporters will be left with broken hearts.##NAJAVA_MECA_7006626##

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