Nantes striker Mostafa Mohamed will be fined by his club after refusing to play at the weekend in a protest against an anti-homophobia campaign in France’s Ligue 1, a source at the struggling side told AFP on Monday. The source said Mohamed would be punished “financially but would not be suspended from playing”. The size of the fine was not specified. This will basically be the first-ever fine for expressing personal beliefs, as Mohamed and other players refused something which is not obligatory. But the pressure from the French state was so big that Nantes had to give in. French government spokesman Olivier Veran called the refusal by certain players to play in protest at the anti-homophobia campaign “rubbish” and “anachronistic”.”We live in a world today…in which everyone is free to love who they want” Veran told television station France 2.African and Bosnian players refuse to play under LGBT coloursFrance Minister of Sports Amelie Oudea-Castera called for clubs to sanction players who refuse to participate.“I think it is the responsibility of the clubs to take sanctions,” “During such an operation, which involves all the clubs on the basic subject of non-discrimination, you have to show up” said Oudea-Castera.🚨 Le FC Nantes prévoit de sanctionner financièrement Mostafa Mohamed 🇪🇬 pour avoir refusé de porter le maillot au flocage arc-en-ciel 🌈 visant à lutter contre l’homophobie et donc de jouer pour son club.(@OuestFrance)— Actu Foot (@ActuFoot_) May 15, 2023 The National Ethics Council (CNE) has published an open letter against the players who boycotted the day against homophobia this weekend. But he will not seize the LFP Disciplinary Committee, as per RMC Sports, mainly due to the fact that Mohamed and other players did nothing wrong or against the league rules.Breaking | Nantes striker Mostafa Mohamed has also refused to wear the rainbow shirt, according to L’Équipe. More follows – Toulouse v Nantes kicks off in 40 minutes.— Get French Football News (@GFFN) May 14, 2023 Rennes coach Bruno Genesio also added to the controversy when he said after the game with Troyes:“There is no place for discrimination in football as in life. But I also think we’re here to play football and that’s what’s most important. Everyone is free to think and do what they want. I tell you, we are against all forms of discrimination, but I’m not sure it’s necessary to organize a day against homophobia”.Gueye has the total support of all Africans over homosexuality issues, claims Mane’s advisorSeveral players in Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 and a number of coaches (Genesio) included refused to wear a shirt with rainbow colours or armbands with the same motives. The 25-year-old Mohamed, who is a Muslim, explained his decision not to play in a social media post on Sunday night.”I respect all differences. I respect all beliefs and all convictions. This respect extends to others but my personal beliefs must be respected as well. Given my roots, my culture, the importance of my convictions and beliefs, it was not possible for me to participate in this campaign. I hope my decision will be respected” he wrote on Twitter. And it wasn’t respected, obviously.##NAJAVA_MECA_7251999##