Tusker FC have raked up an impressive eleven points in their last five games of the FKF Premier League.⚽️ | Back to work after the week-long Christmas break. Focus shifts to 2024.#KenyaMilele #Brewers4Life pic.twitter.com/hUq3crb2wn— 🏆Tusker FC (@tusker_fc) December 27, 2023 The Brewers have won three fixtures on the bounce, making them the second on-form team behind a resurgent Nairobi City Stars, who have been on a five-game winning record.Compared to the opening exchanges of the campaign when the 12-time champions only managed five points in five games, the head coach Robert Matano, who has been under immense pressure from fans and management to deliver or quit, believes things are now looking up for them.AFCON 2023: Preparations underway as teams reveal build-up plans for January tournament“We’re just getting into our rhythm,” Matano, also known as the Lion, roared.“It took a while, but that’s the nature of football, sometimes you’re up, other times you’re down, but we’ve gelled and the team is playing as a unit,” the former Sofapaka and AFC Leopards coach added.A whopping nine points off leaders and defending champions Gor Mahia, Matano is rubbishing any assertions that the title could be long gone with K’Ogalo.“Last season we led the league for a long stretch, but Gor Mahia came from behind and won it, so in football anything can happen, and as it is, the title is still a long way to go,” the most decorated coach with four titles under his belt, said.##NAJAVA_MECA_7769523##The January transfer window is soon opening, but Matano is ruling out any major squad changes saying that his side is just beginning to play as a solid outfit.“You don’t want to disrupt the team now with many changes, but we shall see what can be done if necessary.”The Ruaraka-based side has already hit the ground running with early preparations ahead of the league resumption after the Christmas break.They will take on KCB FC in their first fixture of the new year.Black Stars looking to shine bright in Cote d’Ivoire