The myth says that Ulysses travelled from Troy to Ithaca to prove himself worthy as a king. He left Ithaca as a young man to participate in the Trojan War, which lasted for ten years. After another ten years of wandering, which had been ordained by the gods, he returned home, now as a man in his forties.Arturo Vidal may have heard of Ulysses, but it’s a fact the life of the Chilean midfielder has some tiny yet charming resemblance to the centuries-old myth. The 36-year-old Chilean international started his prolific professional career in the homeland as a teenager back in 2005.36-year old Arturo Vidal is returning to Colo-Colo in Santiago de Chile 🇨🇱 17 years abroad, Vidal is back where it all started!— Tears at La Bombonera (@BomboneraTears) January 23, 2024 The first team he ever played for was Colo-Colo, the most decorated Chilean side, where he spent two years before kickstarting an incredible overseas journey. The road took him to Germany and Bayer Leverkusen, and from there – it was nothing but second-to-none outfits, trophies, and deserved praise.However, 17 years later, Vidal has decided it’s time for a Ulysses-like return home to Colo-Colo.##NAJAVA_MECA_7822142##According to the Chilean media, the contract would be for one year, and the veteran star would earn US$100,000 per month. Considered by many to be the best Chilean player in history, Vidal won numerous local leagues and cups with Barcelona, Bayern Munich, Juventus, and Inter Milan. The Chilean also won the Copa Libertadores in 2022 with Flamengo, but without showing his best football.Wearing the national team jersey, he played in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa and the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. He was one of the standout players of the generation that won two Copa America titles (2015 and 2016).OFICIAL! Arturo Vidal regresa a Colo-Colo 🇨🇱— VarskySports (@VarskySports) January 23, 2024 Vidal will be presented to his club on Tuesday, where he is expected to wear the classic number 23 shirt.With Colo Colo, the veteran player will have the challenge of winning the local championship again after finishing third in the previous edition and qualifying for the group stage of the Copa Libertadores.
