Aussems: Leopards on the right path

AFC Leopards head coach Patrick Aussems believes the club is on its way to glory days and adds that the team will be able to compete for titles in the next four or five years.Ingwe are currently fifth in the FKF Premier League log with 25 points, they are eight points shy of leaders and rivals Gor Mahia. The last few weeks have been good for the club as they have risen from the bottom half of the table and closed in on the leading pack.##NAJAVA_MECA_7023614##Things have however not been easy for Aussems and his boys as they are currently serving a FIFA transfer ban for failing to pay their former players. They did not recruit new players before the start of the new season and when the mid-season window swings open, they will still be barred from bringing on board new faces. They will be able to sign players before the start of the 2023/24 season.Despite the struggles, the former Simba coach sees positives. He believes that his team is on the right path and that it is a matter of time before Ingwe roar again.“The future is bright for AFC Leopards. Building a team with young players is a process. Sometimes it takes three to four years. Now we (Leopards) are in the second year (of building) but if we keep all our players, and are allowed to recruit in three or four positions, for the next four or five years, I think it will be an era of AFC Leopards for sure.” He told the Nation.He has a long-term plan in mind but the coach, who has been in charge at the den for two years does not rule his team out of this season’s title race.“I think this season we will fight for top two or three (finish), maybe more,” he added.Leopards will host Kariobangi Sharks at Nyayo National Stadium on Sunday afternoon in a league assignment.

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