Tusker hit Homeboyz to close in on league title

Tusker stretched their lead at the top of the FKF Premier League by three points after beating Kakamega Homeboyz 2-0 in a league match staged at Ruaraka Stadium on Friday afternoon.Heading into the game, the Brewers needed to win to maintain their top spot while Homeboyz needed to avoid a third loss in a row.Homeboyz started the game the stronger side and had the first two chances of the game. The first came in the fourth minute when Stephen Wakanya was denied by Emery Mvuyekure, Derrick Onyango shot over on the rebound. Two minutes later Benjamin Oketch skied his effort from a prime position.Tusker’s first opportunity came in the 15th minute when Boniface Muchiri nearly scored directly from a corner kick. David Juma however managed to adjust fast and parried the ball for a corner kick. Juma was once again called into action in the 20th minute to parry Muchiri’s header over. On the other end, Mvuyekure was called into action in the 27th minute to deny Shami Kibwana who unleashed a great shot from a prime position.Tusker went ahead in the 33rd minute in a scrappy fashion, Rodgers Aloro delivered a free kick from the right and Henry Meja did well to flick, his effort was however cleared off the line by Francis Omondi only for the ball to deflect off Brian Eshihanda for an own goal.Seven minutes later, Michael Madoya made it 2-0. Rodgers Aloro picked the unmarked midfielder with a long ball and the diminutive midfielder rose to head home. Tusker took a 2-0 advantage to the break.The second half was largely balanced. Stephen Opoku forced Mvuyekure into a big save in the 50th minute while Juma twice had to come off his line to deny the Brewers in the opening stages. The Rwandese keeper was called into action in the 66th minute to deny Opoku on a one on one situation.Substitute Humphrey Mieno had a chance to add to Tusker’s tally in the 75th minute but his goal bound shot was deflected for a corner.Homeboyz upped their game in the closing stages of the game but they just couldn’t breach Tusker’s back line and the end the Brewers prevailed.The win moves Tusker three points clear of KCB who lost to Vihiga United at Mumias Sports Complex on Friday afternoon.Tusker could clinch the title on Wednesday should they beat or draw with Nzoia Sugar and KCB loses to AFC Leopards.

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