Glory 79 free live stream video

Glory 79: Nabiev vs Jones free live stream precedes Collision 3 pay-per-view fight card topped by Rico Verhoeven in his trilogy fight against Jamal Ben Saddik at GelreDome in Arnhem, Netherlands on Saturday, October 23. The date when the event airs live in Australia is Sunday, October 24.

Glory 79 live stream features a one-hour pre-show, followed by four bouts. On the top of the card Alim Nabiev takes on Troy Jones at welterweight. The contest follows a pair of middleweight matchups, as Serhiy Adamchuk meets Aleksei Ulianov, and Matt Baker squares off against Serkan Ozcaglayan. Kicking off the action Stoyan Koprivlenski faces Bruno Gazani at lightweight. The lineup can be found below.

The start time is 11 am ET / 8 am PT in the US, 4 pm BST in the UK and 2 am AEDT in Australia. Video is available yup top.

Glory 79 fight card

  • Alim Nabiev vs. Troy Jones
  • Serhiy Adamchuk vs. Aleksei Ulianov
  • Matt Baker vs. Serkan Ozcaglayan
  • Stoyan Koprivlenski vs. Bruno Gazani

Get Glory Collision 3: Verhoeven vs Ben Saddik III full fight card and start time.

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