Aussems: 90% of Kenyan teams ‘stupid’ style of play is 30 years behind

AFC Leopards head coach Patrick Aussems has made a bold claim that 90% of Kenyan teams adopt an archaic football philosophy dating back to 30 years ago. The Belgian head coach has punched above his weight in terms of results, having an inexperienced squad this season following the departure of 18 players last campaign.THIS SUNDAY AT NYAYO STADIUM Let’s do this againLet’s do it betterWe host Bidco United TUJAZE NYAYO STADIUM Tag along 5 of your friends ADMIN HATAWAANGUSHA ATAKUJA NA WAKE WATANO#Betsafe #OursForever #YaMatere— AFC Leopards (@AFCLeopards) February 3, 2022 Aussems revealed that most of the teams in Kenya employ a long ball philosophy and noted that his team’s attractive style of play should bring back fans into the stadium. “I’m a coach who tries to play attractive football, unfortunately here in Kenya, 90% of the teams are still 30 behind because it’s kick and rush, they do not have any philosophy of building from behind, that is what I try to teach the players and they are 200% into the same philosophy, it’s really important.I want the fans to come back into the stadium because we are producing attractive football, sometimes you win sometimes you lose but we are trying to play football that is the most important,” Aussems told Tell Television. Windfall for daring punter in three-match betDespite winning over the hearts of many with his flamboyant style of play, results have not been kind for Ingwe who sit 12th on the log with 20 points from 16 games. The former Simba SC head coach however admitted that their impressive philosophy does not guarantee results but vowed to stick to his passing style of play.“We are the team that produces the best football in Kenya with young players but because we have a philosophy and we want to play we don’t want to kick the ball like stupid teams.#OursForever— AFC Leopards (@AFCLeopards) January 24, 2022 Having this kind of philosophy, we know know that we have a vision so sometimes we can lose of course but we are playing football and I think the fans are happy regarding that, of course, fans prefer when we win but the most important is sticking to this philosophy,” added Aussems.AFC Leopards next face Bidco United on Saturday 5 February at the Nyayo National Stadium.

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