We witnessed some disgraceful scenes at the end of the match between Brazilian fifth-tier sides Desportivo Ferroviaria and Nova Venecia.Desportivo manager Rafael Soriano headbutted lineswoman Marcielly Netto after she tried to defuse the tension that rose after the referee showed him a yellow card.Soriano reacted badly to Netto’s intervention and responded by headbutting her.New low in football: Brazilian manager Rafael Soriano of 5th tier Brazilian club Desportivo Ferroviaria, headbutting a lineswoman pic.twitter.com/TPdXMCq6Qo— Tancredi Palmeri (@tancredipalmeri) April 11, 2022 Netto clutched her nose but managed to stay on her feet. Soriano was immediately sent off.The club has now sacked Soriano. A club statement read, per the Daily Star: “Desportiva Ferroviaria goes public to inform that it repudiates any type of violence, whether physical, verbal, moral or emotional, especially against women, and we sympathize with the arbitration assistant Marcielly Netto, making us available for whatever is necessary.”We also inform you that, in the face of what happened, coach Rafael Soriano was disconnected from the club.”##EDITORS_CHOICE##Desportivo Ferroviaria also claim they have reached out to Netto to offer her support, but she has not yet responded.”We inform that Desportiva Ferroviaria tried to contact the referee Marcielly Netto by telephone to apologize, offer help, support and make itself available, but it was not answered,” a statement read.REAL MADRID – CHELSEA”We understand the moment, respect the victim’s space and will be waiting for the return. We reiterate our commitment to assist in whatever it takes. The club will also offer professional psychological assistance and develop actions to combat any type of violence against women inside and outside the stadiums,” conclude they.